Posts Tagged ‘Being confident in front of the camera’

5 Ways to Feel More Confident in Front of the Camera

I hear people say all the time how much they hate being photographed. And I get it. As a kid, I didn’t care. Somewhere along the way that changed. The camera-face starts to come out and I became self-conscious about being photographed, as Mum or other well-meaning friends made you stand there like a goofball waiting for them to get organised to take the shot. It didn’t come naturally, I…

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Alicia & MJ’s Red Hill Wedding
Alicia & MJ’s Red Hill Wedding

Let there be spaces in your togetherness, And let the winds of the heavens dance between you..... For the oak Read more

Pregnancy Photography { Kim and Alan }

One of the things that I love about photography is the fact that people often think to have photographs taken Read more

Welcome to my little corner on the web!
Welcome to my little corner on the web!

My gorgeous sister in-law Kristin has been working tirelessly to help me get this new blog up and finally, I Read more

Child Photography { Mika – 5 years }
Child Photography { Mika – 5 years }

This is Mika. He loves lego, playing soccer in the back yard and his teddy bear ..... especially his teddy Read more


My love of photography grew from wanting to capture as much of my travels and children's childhood as possible, and it is something that I have been loving for most of my life.

Michelle Pragt

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