Melbourne Family Photography | Why family photography matters now more than ever before
If you know me at all, you’ll know that I’m passionate about family.
And capturing moments of family togetherness feeds right into this need that I have to be doing something that honours what I feel is one of the most important and fundamental of society’s building blocks. Family is everything!
And I fully believe that family photography can be, especially to a developing child, helpful in them seeing themselves as a valued and important part of the family unit.
And yet I have so many people coming to me and telling me that those times that they have everyone together are rare. Or how difficult it is to schedule a time to suit everyone. We’re all busy people!! But keeping family close and finding quality time together has to be a priority!
We all need to feel loved. And we all need to have a sense of belonging. We all need to feel like we matter to someone.
And this is one of the reasons why I am such a believer in taking family pictures that celebrate connection.
I like to think that when a child sees their photo together with their mum, dad or whoever, who is captured in a moment looking at them with so much love in their eyes, framed and on the wall at home, that it says something to that child.
That on a really simple level, it helps children learn who they are and where they fit, but that it also shows them every time they look at it, even in times of doubt, that they are cared for and loved and that they are important.
Displaying family photos prominently in the home sends the message that our family and those in it are important to one another, and we honour the memories we’ve experienced.
And to go even further, my personal bias is that there is something way more powerful in being able to touch and hold a printed photograph. To touch it in the exact place where a face is smiling.
There’s a ton of stimulation of the brain when you have that sensory experience that’s a bit lost in digital formats, where you’re touching a mouse or screen, but you’re not actually touching the image itself.
Prints and albums can never be replaced by photos on your phone.
Time together and the experiences you share can’t be replaced and they can never be got back or re-done.
And this just one of the reasons why family photography matters more than ever before.
If you’d like more information on family sessions, feel free to contact me via email.
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And if you’d like to read more about Photo Therapy Technique and how photographs are being used by psychologists, you can go here.